Neuropathy is a condition that results from damage to peripheral nerves.
The central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord, communicates with the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system consists of all of the nerves that stem from the spinal cord that control voluntary functions like movement and involuntary functions like your heartbeat and breathing.
In the case of neuropathy, a disconnect occurs between the brain and the peripheral nerves. So if the sensation is lost in the feet, your brain doesn’t necessarily know the feet are still attached to the body.
There can be many reasons that lead to nerve damage.
Symptoms an individual might experience may vary depending on the cause but can include:
- Burning, Tingling or Prickling Sensations in the Feet or Hands
- Temporary or Permanent Numbness
- Increased sensitivity to touch
- Pain
- Muscle Weakness
- Paralysis
- Abnormal Function of Organs or Glands
- Impaired Urination and Sexual Function
Causes of Neuropathy:
- Idiopathic: meaning there is no identified cause; accounts for up to 23% of neuropathy cases
- B12 Deficiency
- Toxin Exposure
- Diabetes
- Medications
- Chronic Alcoholism
- Cancer (typically induced by chemotherapy treatment)
- Injury
- Vascular Insufficiency
- Excess Vitamin B6
Treatment should always start with identifying and treating the cause of the neuropathy. Next, we need to remind the brain that the nerves below it still exist.
At REVIV, we do this through bioelectric horizontal therapy. Horizontal therapy stimulates the nervous tissue via electrical impulses and sparks chemical processes to promote healing and relieve pain.